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Monday, March 4, 2013

Farewell, First Trimester

Today marks the start of week 14...which means I am officially in the second trimester. At last! Baby is the size of a lemon this week—about 3 1/2 inches long. 

This means that Baby Zimmerman can now squint, frown, grimace, wiggle toes, pee, and maybe even suck his/her thumb! So adorable. I can't wait to see this little cutie in an ultrasound. I am still feeling about the same as I have felt the past few weeks...though lately I am twice as hungry and I have noticed that the movements of bending forward and slouching do not feel pleasant. When my stomach is squished like that it feels a little achy and breathing is much more difficult. Abnormal? I have no idea. Either way, sitting up straight feels more pleasant so my posture is much improved lately.

I have my next doctor's appointment a week from today, but it will just be to listen to the heartbeat again. However, a week after that I can go in for a free ultrasound to find out the gender! Can't wait to find out if we're having a boy or girl :)

I'm still hardly showing, but if I wear a maxi dress or something tight fitting you can definitely see evidence that there's a baby in there! Here is a picture of me last Thursday at 13 weeks and 4 days:

I love this baby so much already and I have only heard its sweet little heartbeat once. What a blessing being pregnant is! Even with all the nasty symptoms that come along with it, I wouldn't give up this opportunity for anything in the world. It's such a miracle to think that a little human is growing inside me and I can't wait to start feeling the baby's kicks and movements! Exciting things to come in trimester 2 :) Hopefully the next time I post we will be announcing the gender!


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